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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Virtuino apk

 Virtuino- gambar mini tangkapan layar   Virtuino- gambar mini tangkapan layar   Virtuino- gambar mini tangkapan layar

Control Arduino over BLUETOOTH
Control Arduino over INTERNET (Ethernet shield or ESP8266)
Control Arduino over WIFI (ESP8266)
Control Arduino with SMS
Control internet of things server - Thingspeak data monitor 

Control at the same time more than one Arduino boards 

Visualize your Arduino project.
Create visual interfaces with widgets like LEDs, buttons, switches, value displays, instruments, regulators etc.

Easy to use. You need to add only two or three lines to your Arduino code

----------------- How to start:
1. Download and install the next library to arduino IDE software.
Virtuino Library:

2. Connect one of the next modules to Arduino board
a. Bluetooth module HC-05 or
b. Ethernet shield or
c. ESP8266 module

3. Depending on the connected module to arduino board select the corresponding example from Virtuino library.
Follow the instructions and upload to board.

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