One remote control app for all your hobby projects!
Examples on
Fully customizable - build your own interfaces (add items (widgets), move them, resize them)
Available items: button, slider, led, level indicator, text log, accelerometer sensor, text field, plot, image*, touchpad, kbd connector, heartbeat sender, touch stopper, vibrator*.
Connects over Bluetooth, WiFi, USB, Mobile Data.
Tested and works OK with Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, ESP8266, NodeMCU, HC-05, HC-06, BlueSMiRF, BTM-222, FTDI, CP210X, Arduino WiFi Shield.
Both TCP and UDP protocols supported.
For USB, phone must have USB host API and OTG
Can be used to control:
RC car, RC plane, boat, quadcopter and other RC Toys (toy needs to be modified),
line following robot, sumo robot,
PC, CNC router, DIY smart home systems,
!!! Disclaimer: Don't use RoboRemo for life support systems or any other situations where system failure may affect user or environmental safety.
RoboRemoFree is 100% free, No ads, No collecting data.
RoboRemoFree is limited to 5 items per interface (not counting menu button, text fields and touch stoppers).
RoboRemo Full version does not have any limit.
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